“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”

--2 Timothy 2:1–2



“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”

--2 Timothy 2:1–2


A Disciple is someone who follows, lives out, and believes Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. We recognize that every person is at a different spiritual milestone with their walk with Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we know that each Christian is called to grow in the full image of Jesus Christ known as Christian perfection. As we walk with Christ, we are called to take the next level of our faith journey so that we can intern make new disciples for Jesus Christ. We go from a “Beginning Disciple” to a “Disciple Maker.” Our Discipleship Pathway will give you the tools to encourage a deeper discipleship walk. The image we like to use is a seed that grows into a mighty tree that then produces more trees.


A Disciple is someone who follows, lives out, and believes Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. We recognize that every person is at a different spiritual milestone with their walk with Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we know that each Christian is called to grow in the full image of Jesus Christ known as Christian perfection. As we walk with Christ, we are called to take the next level of our faith journey so that we can intern make new disciples for Jesus Christ. We go from a “Beginning Disciple” to a “Disciple Maker.” Our Discipleship Pathway will give you the tools to encourage a deeper discipleship walk. The image we like to use is a seed that grows into a mighty tree that then produces more trees.


A Beginning Disciple seeks to connect with an open heart to God and fellow disciples. A great way to start your walk with Jesus Christ is getting involved into a short-term small group. This where you can begin exploring your faith with Christ plus make new connections at Baughman Church!


A Growing Disciple actively grows in Christ. A Growing Disciple moves from exploring Christ to making a deep commitment to Jesus Christ. This is where you actively search, wrestle, and transform your life through God’s Word. You die to your old life and fully embrace the new life we have in Christ. A great way to do this is by connecting to a long-term small group, join a men’s/women’s group, and joining a prayer group.


A Commissioned Disciple is someone who lives out Christ’s call to serve others with willing hands and feet. This is where we tie God’s Word with action. We want you to apply what we teach to everyday life through serving others. A great way to do this is by volunteering at one of our several mission opportunities such as 5th Sunday Mission Days, Operation Christmas Child, Downtown Daily Bread, or even as a listener for Bible Adventure.


A Disciple Maker is someone who share their faith, makes new disciples, and helps others to walk in their disciple path. A Disciple Maker connects God’s Word, serving others, and testifies to others why they do what they do—because Jesus first loved us. This is critical because you partner with the Holy Spirit to help others to walk along the discipleship path set before them. You are important for the ministry of Baughman Church. A great way to do this is through starting a new small group, mentoring new disciples, joining an in-depth study with the minister, and becoming a leader in the church.


A Beginning Disciple seeks to connect with an open heart to God and fellow disciples. A great way to start your walk with Jesus Christ is getting involved into a short-term small group. This where you can begin exploring your faith with Christ plus make new connections at Baughman Church!


A Growing Disciple actively grows in Christ. A Growing Disciple moves from exploring Christ to making a deep commitment to Jesus Christ. This is where you actively search, wrestle, and transform your life through God’s Word. You die to your old life and fully embrace the new life we have in Christ. A great way to do this is by connecting to a long-term small group, join a men’s/women’s group, and joining a prayer group.


A Commissioned Disciple is someone who lives out Christ’s call to serve others with willing hands and feet. This is where we tie God’s Word with action. We want you to apply what we teach to everyday life through serving others. A great way to do this is by volunteering at one of our several mission opportunities such as 5th Sunday Mission Days, Operation Christmas Child, Downtown Daily Bread, or even as a listener for Bible Adventure.


A Disciple Maker is someone who share their faith, makes new disciples, and helps others to walk in their disciple path. A Disciple Maker connects God’s Word, serving others, and testifies to others why they do what they do—because Jesus first loved us. This is critical because you partner with the Holy Spirit to help others to walk along the discipleship path set before them. You are important for the ministry of Baughman Church. A great way to do this is through starting a new small group, mentoring new disciples, joining an in-depth study with the minister, and becoming a leader in the church.

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